You can get to the ShoutOut recording section several ways:
- Clicking on the '+' button > then 'Record ShoutOut'
- If you have no active ShoutOuts already recorded, you can click:
- 'Following' tab > click on your profile image thumbnail
- 'Spotlight' tab > click on your profile image thumbnail
On the ShoutOut recording screen simply hold down the video button to record, and release the button to finish recording.
Within the recording screen there are some useful features:
- The camera icon (top right) - flips the camera, so you can use either your device's main or front-facing camera
- The sound icon - touching the button (which puts a cross through the icon) will record your ShoutOut without sound
Once you've finished your recording:
- If you want to try again, click the rubbish bin icon to delete the video and start over
- If you are happy with it, select 'Next'
In the 'Post' screen you can add a description to your ShoutOut - include some #hashtags
Finally, select 'Post' to share your awesome ShoutOut with the Loudly community!